Moodle's Gradebook is a powerful tool for sharing grades and feedback with students and calculating final grades. The Gradebook provides several different options for how to calculate and display grades. You may configure your Gradebook before the start of the semester or build it as you teach.

A properly set up Gradebook makes it simple to grade assignments and give feedback, and it provides students with the opportunity to check on their progress throughout the course. Gradebook setup can be very simple, but if we try to do too many things with the Gradebook, such as weighing categories, it can very quickly become very complex

Step 1: Access and Set up Gradebook

  1. Click “Grades” from the menu panel underneath the course name.
  2. Click “Setup”. Setup allows us to see the activities that were created, along with point values.
  3. Set the Gradebook to “Natural grading”. Natural grading is the easiest way to set up the gradebook so that it works well for us and our students.
  4. Check the aggregation method by locating the course name in the Gradebook.
    1. Click “Edit” (under Actions).
    2. Click “Edit Settings”.
    3. Select “Natural” next to Aggregation, in a drop-down box.
  5. Click “Save changes”.

If the assignments are set up correctly with point values, they will appear here. If not, go back to each respective module and add or edit the assignments.

Step 2: Organizing the Gradebook

It is beneficial for the instructor and for students to have the Gradebook organized in chronological order from first to last, top to bottom. To rearrange assignments:

  1. Click on the up and down arrow next to the assignment item we want to move.
    1. You will see a series of boxes appear.
    2. Each of these boxes represents a location where you can potentially move and place the assignment.
  2. Click the box, that is in location you would like to place the assignment.

If more assignments are added after this initial set up, return here and repeat these steps until all assignments are listed in chronological order.