Accessing the Grading Tool

  1. Locate the quiz that needs to be graded.
  2. Click on the name of the quiz. This will open the quiz, which will display the quiz instructions.
  3. Click the “Actions Menu” at the top right corner, indicated by a small gear:
  4. Select “Manual grading” from the list of options**.**

The next steps depend on the type of question you want to change, grade, re-grade or provide feedback for.  Follow the directions based on one of the three question types:

Automatically Graded Question with Single Attempt

When attempting to manually grade these, it will say “Nothing to display”. This is because it has already been graded by the system.

You can still edit the grade by following these steps:

  1. Click “Also show questions that have been graded automatically”. This will display a list of questions in the quiz.
  2. Find the question and click on “update grades”.
  3. On the top of the page, select “Different ways to view” under “Options.” Set the options in this manner:

Automatically Graded Question with Multiple Attempts

  1. Locate the quiz that needs to be graded.
  2. Click on the name of the quiz to open it. This will open the quiz, which will display the quiz instructions.
  3. Click the “Actions Menu” at the top right corner (it looks like a small gear).
  4. Select “Responses.”