Grade Calculation in Moodle

Configure Grade Calculation

Grade calculations depend on how grade items and categories are arranged on the Gradebook Setup page. To configure how grades are calculated, you will first need to choose an aggregation method in the Category Settings. Once applied, aggregation methods will calculate the course total and subtotals for categories (if any).

By default, a grade category will calculate all items in that category. If a category contains a sub-category, then the sub-category total value will be used in the parent-category calculation.

To set a calculation method for a category:

  1. On your main course page underneath the course name, hit Grades, and then in the drop-down menu on that page, navigate to Gradebook Setup.
  2. Locate the row that contains the title of the category. In the Actions column (at right), click Edit. The Edit settings drop-down menu will open.
  3. Click Edit settings (︎). The Edit category page will open. ​
  4. Note: The Edit category settings for the course total can be found in the top row of the Gradebook setup table.
  5. Select a calculation method from the Aggregation drop-down menu. Options include:
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save changes. The Gradebook Setup page will open.

Aggregation Methods

To configure how grades are calculated, choose a calculation method by editing Category Settings. The three aggregation methods are described below.

Mean of Grades

What it does: