Knowledge Base

Yuja Panorama

The Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform provides the ability to correct the accessibility of course digital content and provide alternative formats for users with learning disabilities.


The Brickfield has been integrated in the Learning Management System, Moodle.

Supporting accessibility in course development

Yuja Panorama

Add Panorama as an activity on Moodle.

  1. Log into your course and click “Edit mode”, usually located at the top right.
  2. Navigate to the week or topic section and click “Add an activity or resource”.
  3. From the activity chooser, click “External tool”. This will take you to the setup page.
  4. Provide an Activity name for the External tool. Under Preconfigured tool, click on the drop-down box and select Panorama LTI 1.3.
  5. After adjusting the settings to your preference, click “Save and return to course”.

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Add Accessibility review to the block on Moodle.

  1. Open block drawer

  2. Click Add a block.

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  3. Select Accessibility review.

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  4. Click Submit for analysis.

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  5. A message will display as “This course has been scheduled for analysis. Analysis will be completed at the earliest by 00:00. Check back after then.” on the main page.

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Showcasing accessibility work

Yuja Panorama

Yuja LMS Report.png


Accessibility Review

Yuja Panorama

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